Luxembourg, 19 January 2021: Agri Resources Group S.A., an international specialist in the sustainable cultivation and processing of agricultural products, is consistently pushing ahead with its growth. The Luxembourg-based company, which has European agricultural processing activities in Spain and Bulgaria, is currently focusing on sustainable agricultural projects – particularly in Ghana, Congo, Madagascar and Mauritius.

In Ghana, Agri Resources is currently preparing to start the organic cultivation of annatto seeds. As a local pioneer in this field, the company has already secured a corresponding off-take agreement. Annatto is used, for example, in food production as a biological colouring agent and plays a role in cancer research thanks to its high vitamin E content. Agri Resources has also recently successfully installed drip irrigation on trial fields in Ghana, ensuring a continuous, demand-based water supply at lower energy and operating costs.

In addition to the targeted expansion of cultivation activities, the course for further growth is also being set through organisational and structural measures. For example, Agri Resources is now expanding its Mauritius location to facilitate its own vanilla exports, provide access to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and further increase its logistics competence. In order to meet the increasing customer requirements in Europe, preparations are already being made to further optimise resource management and operational capacities on site.

For further information:

Frank Ostermair / Linh Chung
Better Orange IR & HV AG
089/8896906-25 /